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Schneider Electric XS4P18AB120 Inductive Sensor XS4 M18 - L41mm - Pbt - Sn8mm - 12..24VDC - Cable 2m
Schneider Electric XS4P18AB120 Inductive Sensor XS4 M18 - L41mm - Pbt - Sn8mm - 12..24VDC - Cable 2m
Technical Data Sheets
Product Description

Schneider Electric XS4P18AB120 Inductive Sensor XS4 M18 - L41mm - Pbt - Sn8mm - 12..24VDC - Cable 2m

The XS range is an offer of inductive proximity sensors for the detection, without physical contact, of metal objects. The advantages of inductive detection are numerous, no physical contact with the object to be detected. Thus avoiding wear and enabling detection of fragile or freshly painted objects. High operating rates. Fast response. Excellent resistance to industrial environments (robust products, fully encapsulated in resin). This product is a cylindrical sensor, diameter 18mm, non flush mountable in metal. It features a plastic case and a 2m long PvR cable. It has a sensing distance of 8mm. Two-wire, DC supply, 12V to 24V with an analogue output signal 4mA to 20mA.

S$ 174.86
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1-S$ 174.86
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